Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 5, Isla Santa Cruz

This was basically a day off from the boat, the water, snorkeling, etc. Our panga transported us from the MY Aida Maria, moored in Academy Bay, to the incredibly busy, chaotic little harbour of Puerto Ayora. From there, we were driven in a minibus up to the highlands of Santa Cruz, where we toured a couple of sinkholes on either side of the raod- Los Gemelos. Then we visited Rancho Primicias, a giant tortoise reserve on the edge of Galapagos National Park. In the afternoon we visited the Charles Darwin Research Station, where I had a productive business meeting regarding the threat of marine oil spills in Galapagos. Most of the rest of the day I was free to explore Puerto Ayora, shop for souvenirs, use the Internet, etc. I also spoke with Godfrey Merlin, a noted local environmentalist, over the phone, but unfortunately he failed to show for a scheduled meeting on the pier.
That evening, Thursday, we steamed towards Isla Rabida. to the northwest.

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