Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 1, Las Bachas

We boarded our home away from home for the next seven days, the MY Aida Maria, in Baltra harbour, not far from the airport where our flight from Quito had landed. An oil tanker, the Andes II, was tied up at the pier when we arrived. You can just see it in the upper left hand photo above. After our panga, or dinghy, ferried us to the mother ship, we headed towards nearbyLas Bachas, on Isla Santa Cruz, where we snorkeled and hiked, the first of many such events over the course of the next week. This was my first day in the Galapagos. It was sunny and warm.
That night we steamed to South Plaza Island, via the Canal de Itabaca between Islas Baltra and Santa Cruz. The seas were quite rough, and a number of my fellow passengers were seasick, apparently. One member of the crew was also said to have been under the weather.

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